The Michigan College Access Program Personnel (MI-CAPP) brings together persons who have an active interest in and/or are professionally involved in broadening accessibility to and providing support for success in formal, post-secondary education.
MI-CAPP is the Michigan chapter of the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA). It is one of eight chapters in EOA. The eight chapters are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and MO-Kan-NE (Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska).
The Educational Opportunity Association is the regional chapter of the Council for Opportunity in Education.
Upcoming Events
TRIO News: GVSU Sponsored Priority 4 Training
MICAPP is pleased to announce that GVSU received funding to provide Absolute Priority Training 4 through their TRIO Training and Empowerment Center. Two virtual and two in-person trainings are scheduled for the 24-25 year and registration is open!
February 27 & 28 - Virtual
May 20 & 21 - Sun Juan, Puerto Rico
June 12 & 13 - Grand Rapids, Michigan
August 7 & 8 - Virtual