Our Goals
Our Goals
Promote research, evaluation, programmatic and fiscal planning, and training—inclusive of, but not limited to, conducting workshops and seminars and generally seeking to educate the public and public officials to the concerns of the Association.
Develop the capability to make timely and meaningful responses to issues and concerns affecting and public officials to the concerns of the Association.
Encourage the development and expansion of a communications network primarily for those persons professionally involved in educational opportunity programs and services.
Engage in the specific and general coordination of efforts with other organizations and persons having purposes supportive of or in harmony with Association concerns.
The Michigan College Access Programs and Personnel (MICAPP) brings together persons who have an active interest in and/or are professionally involved in broadening accessibility to and providing support for success in formal, post-secondary education.
MICAPP is the Michigan chapter of the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA). It is one of eight chapters in EOA. The eight chapters are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin and MO-Kan-NE (Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska).
The Educational Opportunity Association is the regional chapter of the Council for Opportunity in Education.