MI-CAPP Scholarships
The Endowment Fund of Michigan College Access Programs and Personnel (MI-CAPP) is a permanent fund which was created and exists solely for the charitable purposes of MI-CAPP. Its principal objectives are the promotion and development of charitable and educational activities.
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Revision to MI-CAPP Scholarship Essay & Extended Deadline
The application that had been posted on the website was missing a phrase in the essay prompt for the endowment academic achievement and the endowment academic growth scholarships.
While there was no ideal solution, the Scholarship Committee has adopted the following:
Add the missing phrase into the scholarship prompt (highlighted in yellow in the application):
Missing phrase: personal and environmental obstacles you overcame to pursue academic achievement or academic progress
Extended the scholarship competition to the following dates:
DEADLINE - Friday, January 10
READ DAY - Friday, January 24
Allow for up to a three-page essay to be submitted so additional information can be added if needed to prevent the need to delete/revise previously written work
What if I already submitted my application?
Both the student and the nominator will receive an email to confirm the opportunity to re-submit their application. The nominator will also receive a phone call from the Scholarship Committee.
Why now?
We realize the timing isn't ideal but felt it was important to honor the original intent of the endowment scholarships.
Am I required to submit the updated application with new signatures, etc.?
No, just make sure that the essay submitted reflects the updated prompt.
We truly apologize for the inconvenience. Please share this information. We’re looking forward to a successful scholarship competition and SLS banquet to recognize the recipients.
The 2024-2025 scholarship competition opens on Friday, September 6, 2024 with a deadline of Friday, January 10.
*Please note that all recipients of a MI-CAPP Scholarship under the age of 18 will need to have an additional parental consent form completed after their selection.
Submit all application materials to micapp-scholarship@eoa.org
The MI-CAPP Education Foundation Committee presents the “Education Endowment Award” for both pre-college and college-level TRIO/EOP students. The committee may award fourteen $1,500 awards to selected students at the Student Leadership Summit Scholarship Banquet.
Designed for high school and postsecondary students who have earned a weighted cumulative GPA above a 3.2 at the time of application.
Designed for high school and postsecondary students who have earned a weighted cumulative GPA between 2.00-3.199 at the time of application.
The MI-CAPP Education Foundation Committee presents the “Study Abroad Award” for college level TRIO/EOP students. The committee may award two $2,000 awards to nominated students for your projects at the Student Leadership Summit Scholarship Banquet.
The MI-CAPP Education Foundation Committee presents the “Veterans Award” for college level TRIO/EOP students. The committee may award two $1,500 awards to nominated students for your projects at the Student Leadership Summit Scholarship Banquet.